Valentine's Day is tomorrow, and love is in the air. I think that expensive presents are not as spectacular as something that you've made all by yourself. I mean anyone can send a box of chocolates from the other side of the world if they want; there's nothing to it - just buying a box for a few pounds and sending it off. There's nothing more thoughtful than a home-made card. This card is perfect for these credit-crunched times, but you really do have put effort into it - it took me 2 hours (but that's only because I had to think of how to do it as I went along). Here is my very own Valentine's Day card step by step guide. It takes less than an hour to do (so you'll still make it in time for tomorrow), and it's perfect for anyone. You don't need any special materials, I think you can find most of these things in your house - it's simple but sweet. If you decide to do it, good luck, and please leave comments! Remember, you can click on the pictures to enlarge them.
- A ruler, a pencil and a pair of scissors
- A 20 x 7.5 cm ready-made (or hand-cut) beige or white card
- Liquid glue and a glue stick
- Gold card (6.5 x 6.5 cm), red glitter and red glitter glue
- 4 different colours of glitter glue with matching card (the glitter glue should preferably be a bit darker than the card)
- Ribbon (about 1.5 cm thick)
- A gold and silver pen
- Thick cardboard (or a Pringles tube)
- Double-sided tape (optional)
- Decorative bits and bobs (such as a shiny paper butterfly, rub-on letters and heart stickers)

1. Cut out two 7.5 cm pieces of ribbon and glue them to each side of the card. Print out (or draw) a heart which is about 5.5 cm at its widest point and 3.5 cm from the deepest point at the top to the lowest point of the heart. Cut it out.

2.In the centre of the 6.5 cm x 6.5 cm gold card, use a tip (such as that of a 'closed' pen or a pencil with no led) to engrave a marking around the heart. Cut out a square inch piece of thick cardboard (or, since I couldn't find any, a Pringles tube).

3. Then, fill the engraved area with liquid glue and red glitter. Stick the piece of cardboard with double-sided tape (or glue) to the centre of the main card, and then use another piece of tape/glue to stick the gold card on.

4. Draw and cut out four different coloured hearts (about 3 cm at their widest point and 3 centimetres from the deepest point at the top to the lowest point), and arrange them as you wish on either side of the main heart. It will look nice if they overlap the ribbons on each side.

4. Stick the hearts on with the glue stick, and border each heart with glitter glue of the corresponding colour. Now you can decorate the rest of the card. I drew a few stars with the gold and silver pens. I used some rub-on letters to write 'LOVE' in the top left-hand corner, and stuck two heart stickers beside it.There is a paper butterfly in the top right-hand corner. I have written the name of the recipents and 'Happy Valentine's Day' on the bottom of the card.
If you'd like to adhere to old tradition, remember to not write your name, and just end with a 'Love, from, ???'. I'd just like to say that the the picture of the card doesn't do it justice. In reality it really looks stunning - especially with the sparkling glittery heart. I suppose it isn't a magnificently intricate design; it's simple but sweet. I also made some biscuits (not cookies) for Valentine's day using ASDA's 'decorative biscuits' recipe; I just used a heart cutter instead of the Christmas cutters. I am going to decorate them with red icing and silver balls. I'll update this post with pictures of them soon.
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